Added self-documenting comments and default Rule to list commands with descriptions

This commit is contained in:
Colin Sullivan 2016-10-05 13:38:34 -04:00
parent 2d106de5e2
commit 690241a8a9
1 changed files with 69 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -10,24 +10,93 @@ BUCKET = {{ cookiecutter.s3_bucket }}
################################################################################# #################################################################################
## Install Python Dependencies
requirements: requirements:
pip install -q -r requirements.txt pip install -q -r requirements.txt
## Make Dataset
data: requirements data: requirements
python src/data/ python src/data/
## Delete all compiled Python files
clean: clean:
find . -name "*.pyc" -exec rm {} \; find . -name "*.pyc" -exec rm {} \;
## Lint using flake8
lint: lint:
flake8 --exclude=lib/,bin/,docs/ . flake8 --exclude=lib/,bin/,docs/ .
## Upload Data to S3
sync_data_to_s3: sync_data_to_s3:
aws s3 sync data/ s3://$(BUCKET)/data/ aws s3 sync data/ s3://$(BUCKET)/data/
## Download Data from S3
sync_data_from_s3: sync_data_from_s3:
aws s3 sync s3://$(BUCKET)/data/ data/ aws s3 sync s3://$(BUCKET)/data/ data/
################################################################################# #################################################################################
################################################################################# #################################################################################
# Self Documenting Commands #
.DEFAULT_GOAL := show-help
# Inspired by <>
# sed script explained:
# /^##/:
# * save line in hold space
# * purge line
# * Loop:
# * append newline + line to hold space
# * go to next line
# * if line starts with doc comment, strip comment character off and loop
# * remove target prerequisites
# * append hold space (+ newline) to line
# * replace newline plus comments by `---`
# * print line
# Separate expressions are necessary because labels cannot be delimited by
# semicolon; see <>
.PHONY: show-help
@echo "$$(tput bold)Available rules:$$(tput sgr0)"
@sed -n -e "/^## / { \
h; \
s/.*//; \
:doc" \
-e "H; \
n; \
s/^## //; \
t doc" \
-e "s/:.*//; \
G; \
s/\\n## /---/; \
s/\\n/ /g; \
p; \
| LC_ALL='C' sort --ignore-case \
| awk -F '---' \
-v ncol=$$(tput cols) \
-v indent=19 \
-v col_on="$$(tput setaf 6)" \
-v col_off="$$(tput sgr0)" \
'{ \
printf "%s%*s%s ", col_on, -indent, $$1, col_off; \
n = split($$2, words, " "); \
line_length = ncol - indent; \
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { \
line_length -= length(words[i]) + 1; \
if (line_length <= 0) { \
line_length = ncol - indent - length(words[i]) - 1; \
printf "\n%*s ", -indent, " "; \
} \
printf "%s ", words[i]; \
} \
printf "\n"; \
}' \
| more $(shell test $(shell uname) == Darwin && echo '--no-init --raw-control-chars')