# Cookiecutter Data Science _A logical, reasonably standardized, but flexible project structure for doing and sharing data science work._ #### [Project homepage](http://drivendata.github.io/cookiecutter-data-science/) ### Requirements to use the cookiecutter template: ----------- - Python 2.7 or 3.5 - [Cookiecutter Python package](http://cookiecutter.readthedocs.org/en/latest/installation.html) >= 1.4.0: This can be installed with pip by or conda depending on how you manage your Python packages: ``` bash $ pip install cookiecutter ``` or ``` bash $ conda config --add channels conda-forge $ conda install cookiecutter ``` ### To start a new project, run: ------------ cookiecutter https://github.com/drivendata/cookiecutter-data-science [![asciicast](https://asciinema.org/a/9bgl5qh17wlop4xyxu9n9wr02.png)](https://asciinema.org/a/9bgl5qh17wlop4xyxu9n9wr02)