/* * * Matt Jensen * CS145 * Assignment 1 * 4/25/19 * */ import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; import java.io.*; public class WordSearch { protected static boolean DEBUG; protected static Board board; private static int wordCount = 20; public static void main( String[] args ) throws FileNotFoundException { Scanner console = new Scanner( System.in ); ConsolePrompt.intro(); char option = ConsolePrompt.forOption(console); while(option != 'q') { if(option == 'g') { String fileName = ConsolePrompt.forFileName(console); generate(fileName, console); } if(option == 's') { showSolution(console); } if(option == 'p') { showBoard(console); } System.out.println(); option = ConsolePrompt.forOption(console); } System.out.println("Goodbye!"); return; } /** * * generates a new board from the set words. * * @param console console for printing prompts to. * @return void */ protected static void generate(String fromFile, Scanner console) throws FileNotFoundException { int wordCount = ConsolePrompt.forWordCount(console); board = new Board( ConsolePrompt.forWords(wordCount, fromFile, console) ); } /** * * prints the solution (x's for letters between words) * * @param console console for printing prompts to. * @return void */ protected static void showSolution(Scanner console) { System.out.println(board.solutionToString()); } /** * * prints the entire board with words. * * @param console console for printing prompts to. * @return void */ protected static void showBoard(Scanner console) { System.out.println(board); } }