[build-system] requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" [project] name = "ml_pipeline" version = "0.1.0" authors = [ {name = "publicmatt", email = "git@publicmatt.com"}, ] description = "A minimal viable pytorch training pipeline." readme = "README.md" license = {file = "LICENSE"} dependencies = [ "click==8.1.7", "einops==0.7.0", "matplotlib==3.8.4", "numpy==1.26.4", "pytest==8.1.1", "pytest-cov==5.0.0", "python-dotenv==1.0.1", "requests==2.31.0", "torch==2.2.2", "torchvision=0.17.2", "tqdm==4.66.2", "wandb==0.16.6", "python-configuration[toml]", "pandas==2.2.1", "notebook==7.1.2", "fastapi==0.110.1", "uvicorn==0.29.0", ] [project.urls] homepage = "https://example.com/my_project" repository = "https://example.com/my_project/repo" documentation = "https://example.com/my_project/docs" [tool.setuptools] packages = ["ml_pipeline"] [tool.pytest.ini_options] # Run tests in parallel using pytest-xdist addopts = "--cov=ml_pipeline --cov-report=term" # Specify the paths to look for tests testpaths = [ "test", ] # Set default Python classes, functions, and methods to consider as tests python_files = [ "test_*.py", "test*.py", "*_test.py", ] python_classes = [ "Test*", "*Test", "*Tests", "*TestCase", ] python_functions = [ "test_*", "*_test", ] # Configure markers (custom or otherwise) markers = [ "slow: marks tests as slow (deselect with '-m \"not slow\"')", "online: marks tests that require internet access", ]