# # OtterTune - fabfile.py # # Copyright (c) 2017-18, Carnegie Mellon University Database Group # ''' Created on Mar 23, 2018 @author: bohan ''' import glob import json import os import re import time from collections import OrderedDict from multiprocessing import Process import logging from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler import requests from fabric.api import env, local, task, lcd from fabric.state import output as fabric_output # Fabric environment settings env.hosts = ['localhost'] fabric_output.update({ 'running': True, 'stdout': True, }) # intervals of restoring the databse RELOAD_INTERVAL = 10 # maximum disk usage MAX_DISK_USAGE = 90 # Load config with open('driver_config.json', 'r') as _f: CONF = {k: os.path.expanduser(v) if isinstance(v, str) and v.startswith('~') else v for k, v in json.load(_f).items()} # Create output directories for _dir in (CONF['database_save_path'], CONF['log_path'], CONF['save_path'], CONF['lhs_save_path']): os.makedirs(_dir, exist_ok=True) # Define paths CONF['driver_log'] = os.path.join(CONF['log_path'], 'driver.log') CONF['oltpbench_log'] = os.path.join(CONF['log_path'], 'oltpbench.log') CONF['controller_log'] = os.path.join(CONF['log_path'], 'controller.log') CONF['controller_config'] = os.path.join(CONF['controller_home'], 'config', '{}_config.json'.format(CONF['database_type'])) # Configure logging LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) LOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) Formatter = logging.Formatter( # pylint: disable=invalid-name fmt='%(asctime)s [%(funcName)s:%(lineno)03d] %(levelname)-5s: %(message)s', datefmt='%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S') ConsoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler() # pylint: disable=invalid-name ConsoleHandler.setFormatter(Formatter) LOG.addHandler(ConsoleHandler) FileHandler = RotatingFileHandler( # pylint: disable=invalid-name CONF['driver_log'], maxBytes=50000, backupCount=2) FileHandler.setFormatter(Formatter) LOG.addHandler(FileHandler) def _parse_bool(value): if not isinstance(value, bool): value = str(value).lower() == 'true' return value @task def check_disk_usage(): partition = CONF['database_disk'] disk_use = 0 if partition: cmd = "df -h {}".format(partition) out = local(cmd, capture=True).splitlines()[1] m = re.search(r'\d+(?=%)', out) if m: disk_use = int(m.group(0)) LOG.info("Current Disk Usage: %s%s", disk_use, '%') return disk_use @task def check_memory_usage(): cmd = 'free -m -h' local(cmd) @task def create_controller_config(): if CONF['database_type'] == 'postgres': dburl_fmt = 'jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/{db}'.format elif CONF['database_type'] == 'oracle': dburl_fmt = 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:{db}'.format else: raise Exception("Database Type {} Not Implemented !".format(CONF['database_type'])) config = dict( database_type=CONF['database_type'], database_url=dburl_fmt(db=CONF['database_name']), username=CONF['username'], password=CONF['password'], upload_code='DEPRECATED', upload_url='DEPRECATED', workload_name=CONF['oltpbench_workload'] ) with open(CONF['controller_config'], 'w') as f: json.dump(config, f, indent=2) @task def restart_database(): if CONF['database_type'] == 'postgres': cmd = 'sudo service postgresql restart' elif CONF['database_type'] == 'oracle': cmd = 'sh oracleScripts/shutdownOracle.sh && sh oracleScripts/startupOracle.sh' else: raise Exception("Database Type {} Not Implemented !".format(CONF['database_type'])) local(cmd) @task def drop_database(): if CONF['database_type'] == 'postgres': cmd = "PGPASSWORD={} dropdb -e --if-exists {} -U {}".\ format(CONF['password'], CONF['database_name'], CONF['username']) else: raise Exception("Database Type {} Not Implemented !".format(CONF['database_type'])) local(cmd) @task def create_database(): if CONF['database_type'] == 'postgres': cmd = "PGPASSWORD={} createdb -e {} -U {}".\ format(CONF['password'], CONF['database_name'], CONF['username']) else: raise Exception("Database Type {} Not Implemented !".format(CONF['database_type'])) local(cmd) @task def reset_conf(): change_conf(next_conf='') @task def change_conf(next_conf='next_config'): signal = "# configurations recommended by ottertune:\n" next_conf = next_conf or {} with open(CONF['database_conf'], 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() if signal not in lines: lines += ['\n', signal] signal_idx = lines.index(signal) lines = lines[0:signal_idx + 1] if isinstance(next_conf, str): with open(next_conf, 'r') as f: recommendation = json.load( f, encoding="UTF-8", object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)['recommendation'] else: recommendation = next_conf assert isinstance(recommendation, dict) for name, value in recommendation.items(): if CONF['database_type'] == 'oracle' and isinstance(value, str): value = value.strip('B') lines.append('{} = {}\n'.format(name, value)) lines.append('\n') tmpconf = 'tmp_' + os.path.basename(CONF['database_conf']) with open(tmpconf, 'w') as f: f.write(''.join(lines)) local('sudo cp {0} {0}.ottertune.bak'.format(CONF['database_conf'])) local('sudo mv {} {}'.format(tmpconf, CONF['database_conf'])) @task def load_oltpbench(): cmd = "./oltpbenchmark -b {} -c {} --create=true --load=true".\ format(CONF['oltpbench_workload'], CONF['oltpbench_config']) with lcd(CONF['oltpbench_home']): # pylint: disable=not-context-manager local(cmd) @task def run_oltpbench(): cmd = "./oltpbenchmark -b {} -c {} --execute=true -s 5 -o outputfile".\ format(CONF['oltpbench_workload'], CONF['oltpbench_config']) with lcd(CONF['oltpbench_home']): # pylint: disable=not-context-manager local(cmd) @task def run_oltpbench_bg(): cmd = "./oltpbenchmark -b {} -c {} --execute=true -s 5 -o outputfile > {} 2>&1 &".\ format(CONF['oltpbench_workload'], CONF['oltpbench_config'], CONF['oltpbench_log']) with lcd(CONF['oltpbench_home']): # pylint: disable=not-context-manager local(cmd) @task def run_controller(): if not os.path.exists(CONF['controller_config']): create_controller_config() cmd = 'gradle run -PappArgs="-c {} -d output/" --no-daemon > {}'.\ format(CONF['controller_config'], CONF['controller_log']) with lcd(CONF['controller_home']): # pylint: disable=not-context-manager local(cmd) @task def signal_controller(): pidfile = os.path.join(CONF['controller_home'], 'pid.txt') pid = int(open(pidfile).read()) cmd = 'sudo kill -2 {}'.format(pid) with lcd(CONF['controller_home']): # pylint: disable=not-context-manager local(cmd) @task def save_dbms_result(): t = int(time.time()) files = ['knobs.json', 'metrics_after.json', 'metrics_before.json', 'summary.json'] for f_ in files: srcfile = os.path.join(CONF['controller_home'], 'output', f_) dstfile = os.path.join(CONF['save_path'], '{}__{}'.format(t, f_)) local('cp {} {}'.format(srcfile, dstfile)) @task def free_cache(): cmd = 'sync; sudo bash -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches"' local(cmd) @task def upload_result(result_dir=None, prefix=None): result_dir = result_dir or os.path.join(CONF['controller_home'], 'output') prefix = prefix or '' files = {} for base in ('summary', 'knobs', 'metrics_before', 'metrics_after'): fpath = os.path.join(result_dir, prefix + base + '.json') # Replaces the true db version with the specified version to allow for # testing versions not officially supported by OtterTune if base == 'summary' and 'override_database_version' in CONF and \ CONF['override_database_version']: with open(fpath, 'r') as f: summary = json.load(f) summary['real_database_version'] = summary['database_version'] summary['database_version'] = CONF['override_database_version'] with open(fpath, 'w') as f: json.dump(summary, f, indent=1) files[base] = open(fpath, 'rb') response = requests.post(CONF['upload_url'] + '/new_result/', files=files, data={'upload_code': CONF['upload_code']}) if response.status_code != 200: raise Exception('Error uploading result.\nStatus: {}\nMessage: {}\n'.format( response.status_code, response.content)) LOG.info(response.content) return response @task def get_result(max_time_sec=180, interval_sec=1): max_time_sec = int(max_time_sec) interval_sec = int(interval_sec) url = CONF['upload_url'] + '/query_and_get/' + CONF['upload_code'] elapsed = 0.0 response_dict = None response = '' start_time = time.time() while elapsed <= max_time_sec: rsp = requests.get(url) response = rsp.content.decode() LOG.debug('Response:\n\n%s\n', response) if rsp.status_code == 200: # Success response_dict = json.loads(rsp.json(), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) break elif rsp.status_code == 202: # Not ready time.sleep(interval_sec) elif rsp.status_code == 400: # Failure raise Exception( "Failed to download the next config.\nStatus code: {}\nMessage: {}\n".format( rsp.status_code, response)) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Unhandled status code: '{}'.\nMessage: {}".format(rsp.status_code, response)) elapsed = time.time() - start_time if not response_dict: assert elapsed > max_time_sec, \ 'response={} but elapsed={:.1f}s <= max_time={:.1f}s'.format( response, elapsed, max_time_sec) raise Exception( 'Failed to download the next config in {}s: {} (elapsed: {:.1f}s)'.format( max_time_sec, response, elapsed)) LOG.info('Downloaded the next config in %.0fs: %s', elapsed, json.dumps(response_dict, indent=4)) return response_dict @task def add_udf(): cmd = 'sudo python3 ./LatencyUDF.py ../controller/output/' local(cmd) @task def upload_batch(result_dir, sort=True): sort = _parse_bool(sort) results = glob.glob(os.path.join(result_dir, '*__summary.json')) if sort: results = sorted(results) count = len(results) LOG.info('Uploading %d samples from %s...', count, result_dir) for i, result in enumerate(results): prefix = os.path.basename(result).split('__')[0] upload_result(result_dir=result_dir, prefix=prefix) LOG.info('Uploaded result %d/%d: %s__*.json', i + 1, count, prefix) @task def dump_database(): db_file_path = os.path.join(CONF['database_save_path'], CONF['database_name'] + '.dump') if os.path.exists(db_file_path): LOG.info('%s already exists ! ', db_file_path) return False else: LOG.info('Dump database %s to %s', CONF['database_name'], db_file_path) # You must create a directory named dpdata through sqlplus in your Oracle database if CONF['database_type'] == 'oracle': cmd = 'expdp {}/{}@{} schemas={} dumpfile={}.dump DIRECTORY=dpdata'.format( 'c##tpcc', 'oracle', 'orcldb', 'c##tpcc', 'orcldb') elif CONF['database_type'] == 'postgres': cmd = 'PGPASSWORD={} pg_dump -U {} -F c -d {} > {}'.format(CONF['password'], CONF['username'], CONF['database_name'], db_file_path) else: raise Exception("Database Type {} Not Implemented !".format(CONF['database_type'])) local(cmd) return True @task def restore_database(): if CONF['database_type'] == 'oracle': # You must create a directory named dpdata through sqlplus in your Oracle database # The following script assumes such directory exists. # You may want to modify the username, password, and dump file name in the script cmd = 'sh oracleScripts/restoreOracle.sh' elif CONF['database_type'] == 'postgres': db_file_path = '{}/{}.dump'.format(CONF['database_save_path'], CONF['database_name']) drop_database() create_database() cmd = 'PGPASSWORD={} pg_restore -U {} -n public -j 8 -F c -d {} {}'.\ format(CONF['password'], CONF['username'], CONF['database_name'], db_file_path) else: raise Exception("Database Type {} Not Implemented !".format(CONF['database_type'])) LOG.info('Start restoring database') local(cmd) LOG.info('Finish restoring database') def _ready_to_start_oltpbench(): return os.path.exists(CONF['controller_log']) and \ 'Output the process pid to' in open(CONF['controller_log']).read() def _ready_to_start_controller(): return os.path.exists(CONF['oltpbench_log']) and \ 'Warmup complete, starting measurements' in open(CONF['oltpbench_log']).read() def _ready_to_shut_down_controller(): pid_file_path = os.path.join(CONF['controller_home'], 'pid.txt') return os.path.exists(pid_file_path) and os.path.exists(CONF['oltpbench_log']) and \ 'Output throughput samples into file' in open(CONF['oltpbench_log']).read() def clean_logs(): # remove oltpbench log cmd = 'rm -f {}'.format(CONF['oltpbench_log']) local(cmd) # remove controller log cmd = 'rm -f {}'.format(CONF['controller_log']) local(cmd) @task def lhs_samples(count=10): cmd = 'python3 lhs.py {} {} {}'.format(count, CONF['lhs_knob_path'], CONF['lhs_save_path']) local(cmd) @task def loop(): # free cache free_cache() # remove oltpbench log and controller log clean_logs() # restart database restart_database() # check disk usage if check_disk_usage() > MAX_DISK_USAGE: LOG.warning('Exceeds max disk usage %s', MAX_DISK_USAGE) # run controller from another process p = Process(target=run_controller, args=()) p.start() LOG.info('Run the controller') # run oltpbench as a background job while not _ready_to_start_oltpbench(): time.sleep(1) run_oltpbench_bg() LOG.info('Run OLTP-Bench') # the controller starts the first collection while not _ready_to_start_controller(): time.sleep(1) signal_controller() LOG.info('Start the first collection') # stop the experiment while not _ready_to_shut_down_controller(): time.sleep(1) signal_controller() LOG.info('Start the second collection, shut down the controller') p.join() # add user defined target objective # add_udf() # save result save_dbms_result() # upload result upload_result() # get result get_result() # change config change_conf() @task def run_lhs(): datadir = CONF['lhs_save_path'] samples = glob.glob(os.path.join(datadir, 'config_*')) # dump database if it's not done before. dump = dump_database() for i, sample in enumerate(samples): # reload database periodically if RELOAD_INTERVAL > 0: if i % RELOAD_INTERVAL == 0: if i == 0 and dump is False: restore_database() elif i > 0: restore_database() # free cache free_cache() LOG.info('\n\n Start %s-th sample %s \n\n', i, sample) # check memory usage # check_memory_usage() # check disk usage if check_disk_usage() > MAX_DISK_USAGE: LOG.warning('Exceeds max disk usage %s', MAX_DISK_USAGE) # copy lhs-sampled config to the to-be-used config cmd = 'cp {} next_config'.format(sample) local(cmd) # remove oltpbench log and controller log clean_logs() # change config change_conf() # restart database restart_database() if CONF.get('oracle_awr_enabled', False): # create snapshot for oracle AWR report if CONF['database_type'] == 'oracle': local('sh snapshotOracle.sh') # run controller from another process p = Process(target=run_controller, args=()) p.start() # run oltpbench as a background job while not _ready_to_start_oltpbench(): pass run_oltpbench_bg() LOG.info('Run OLTP-Bench') while not _ready_to_start_controller(): pass signal_controller() LOG.info('Start the first collection') while not _ready_to_shut_down_controller(): pass # stop the experiment signal_controller() LOG.info('Start the second collection, shut down the controller') p.join() # save result save_dbms_result() # upload result upload_result() if CONF.get('oracle_awr_enabled', False): # create oracle AWR report for performance analysis if CONF['database_type'] == 'oracle': local('sh oracleScripts/snapshotOracle.sh && sh oracleScripts/awrOracle.sh') @task def run_loops(max_iter=1): # dump database if it's not done before. dump = dump_database() for i in range(int(max_iter)): if RELOAD_INTERVAL > 0: if i % RELOAD_INTERVAL == 0: if i == 0 and dump is False: restore_database() elif i > 0: restore_database() LOG.info('The %s-th Loop Starts / Total Loops %s', i + 1, max_iter) loop() LOG.info('The %s-th Loop Ends / Total Loops %s', i + 1, max_iter)