2019-08-23 08:47:19 -07:00
# OtterTune - gp.py
# Copyright (c) 2017-18, Carnegie Mellon University Database Group
Created on Feb 18, 2018
@author: Bohan Zhang
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist as ed
from scipy import special
from analysis.gp_tf import GPRResult
# numpy version of Gaussian Process Regression, not using Tensorflow
class GPRNP(object):
def __init__(self, length_scale=1.0, magnitude=1.0, max_train_size=7000,
batch_size=3000, check_numerics=True, debug=False):
assert np.isscalar(length_scale)
assert np.isscalar(magnitude)
assert length_scale > 0 and magnitude > 0
self.length_scale = length_scale
self.magnitude = magnitude
self.max_train_size_ = max_train_size
self.batch_size_ = batch_size
self.check_numerics = check_numerics
self.debug = debug
self.X_train = None
self.y_train = None
self.K = None
self.K_inv = None
self.y_best = None
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self.ridge = None
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def __repr__(self):
rep = ""
for k, v in sorted(self.__dict__.items()):
rep += "{} = {}\n".format(k, v)
return rep
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
def _reset(self):
self.X_train = None
self.y_train = None
self.K = None
self.K_inv = None
self.y_best = None
def check_X_y(self, X, y):
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_X_y
if X.shape[0] > self.max_train_size_:
raise Exception("X_train size cannot exceed {} ({})"
.format(self.max_train_size_, X.shape[0]))
return check_X_y(X, y, multi_output=True,
allow_nd=True, y_numeric=True,
def check_fitted(self):
if self.X_train is None or self.y_train is None \
or self.K is None:
raise Exception("The model must be trained before making predictions!")
def check_array(X):
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_array
return check_array(X, allow_nd=True, estimator="GPRNP")
def check_output(X):
finite_els = np.isfinite(X)
if not np.all(finite_els):
raise Exception("Input contains non-finite values: {}"
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def fit(self, X_train, y_train, ridge=1.0):
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X_train, y_train = self.check_X_y(X_train, y_train)
if X_train.ndim != 2 or y_train.ndim != 2:
raise Exception("X_train or y_train should have 2 dimensions! X_dim:{}, y_dim:{}"
.format(X_train.ndim, y_train.ndim))
self.X_train = np.float32(X_train)
self.y_train = np.float32(y_train)
sample_size = self.X_train.shape[0]
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self.ridge = ridge
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if np.isscalar(ridge):
ridge = np.ones(sample_size) * ridge
assert isinstance(ridge, np.ndarray)
assert ridge.ndim == 1
K = self.magnitude * np.exp(-ed(self.X_train, self.X_train) / self.length_scale) \
+ np.diag(ridge)
K_inv = np.linalg.inv(K)
self.K = K
self.K_inv = K_inv
self.y_best = np.min(y_train)
return self
def predict(self, X_test):
if X_test.ndim != 2:
raise Exception("X_test should have 2 dimensions! X_dim:{}"
X_test = np.float32(GPRNP.check_array(X_test))
test_size = X_test.shape[0]
arr_offset = 0
length_scale = self.length_scale
yhats = np.zeros([test_size, 1])
sigmas = np.zeros([test_size, 1])
eips = np.zeros([test_size, 1])
while arr_offset < test_size:
if arr_offset + self.batch_size_ > test_size:
end_offset = test_size
end_offset = arr_offset + self.batch_size_
xt_ = X_test[arr_offset:end_offset]
K2 = self.magnitude * np.exp(-ed(self.X_train, xt_) / length_scale)
K3 = self.magnitude * np.exp(-ed(xt_, xt_) / length_scale)
K2_trans = np.transpose(K2)
yhat = np.matmul(K2_trans, np.matmul(self.K_inv, self.y_train))
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xt_size = K3.shape[0]
ridge = self.ridge
if np.isscalar(ridge):
ridge = np.ones(xt_size) * ridge
sigma = np.sqrt(np.diag(K3 - np.matmul(K2_trans, np.matmul(self.K_inv, K2))
+ np.diag(ridge))).reshape(xt_.shape[0], 1)
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u = (self.y_best - yhat) / sigma
phi1 = 0.5 * special.erf(u / np.sqrt(2.0)) + 0.5
phi2 = (1.0 / np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi)) * np.exp(np.square(u) * (-0.5))
eip = sigma * (u * phi1 + phi2)
yhats[arr_offset:end_offset] = yhat
sigmas[arr_offset:end_offset] = sigma
eips[arr_offset:end_offset] = eip
arr_offset = end_offset
return GPRResult(yhats, sigmas)
def get_params(self, deep=True):
return {"length_scale": self.length_scale,
"magnitude": self.magnitude,
"X_train": self.X_train,
"y_train": self.y_train,
"K": self.K,
"K_inv": self.K_inv}
def set_params(self, **parameters):
for param, val in list(parameters.items()):
setattr(self, param, val)
return self