330 lines
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330 lines
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# OtterTune - periodic_tasks.py
# Copyright (c) 2017-18, Carnegie Mellon University Database Group
import copy
import numpy as np
from celery.task import periodic_task
from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger
from django.utils.timezone import now
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from analysis.cluster import KMeansClusters, create_kselection_model
from analysis.factor_analysis import FactorAnalysis
from analysis.lasso import LassoPath
from analysis.preprocessing import (Bin, get_shuffle_indices,
from website.models import PipelineData, PipelineRun, Result, Workload
from website.types import PipelineTaskType, WorkloadStatusType
from website.utils import DataUtil, JSONUtil
# Log debug messages
LOG = get_task_logger(__name__)
# Only process workload containing this minimum amount of results
# Run the background tasks every 5 minutes
@periodic_task(run_every=300, name="run_background_tasks")
def run_background_tasks():
LOG.debug("Starting background tasks")
# Find modified and not modified workloads, we only have to calculate for the
# modified workloads.
modified_workloads = Workload.objects.filter(status=WorkloadStatusType.MODIFIED)
non_modified_workloads = Workload.objects.filter(status=WorkloadStatusType.PROCESSED)
non_modified_workloads = list(non_modified_workloads.values_list('pk', flat=True))
last_pipeline_run = PipelineRun.objects.get_latest()
if len(modified_workloads) == 0:
# No previous workload data yet. Try again later.
LOG.debug("No workload data yet. Ending background tasks")
# Create new entry in PipelineRun table to store the output of each of
# the background tasks
pipeline_run_obj = PipelineRun(start_time=now(), end_time=None)
for workload in modified_workloads:
wkld_results = Result.objects.filter(workload=workload)
if wkld_results.exists() is False:
# delete the workload
LOG.debug("Deleting workload %d because it has no results.", workload.id)
# Check that there are enough results in the workload
if wkld_results.count() < MIN_WORKLOAD_RESULTS_COUNT:
LOG.debug("Not enough results in workload %d (only %d results).", workload.id,
workload.status = WorkloadStatusType.PROCESSING
LOG.debug("Aggregating data for workload %d", workload.id)
# Aggregate the knob & metric data for this workload
knob_data, metric_data = aggregate_data(wkld_results)
LOG.debug("knob_data: %s", str(knob_data))
LOG.debug("metric_data: %s", str(metric_data))
# Knob_data and metric_data are 2D numpy arrays. Convert them into a
# JSON-friendly (nested) lists and then save them as new PipelineData
# objects.
knob_data_copy = copy.deepcopy(knob_data)
knob_data_copy['data'] = knob_data_copy['data'].tolist()
knob_data_copy = JSONUtil.dumps(knob_data_copy)
knob_entry = PipelineData(pipeline_run=pipeline_run_obj,
metric_data_copy = copy.deepcopy(metric_data)
metric_data_copy['data'] = metric_data_copy['data'].tolist()
metric_data_copy = JSONUtil.dumps(metric_data_copy)
metric_entry = PipelineData(pipeline_run=pipeline_run_obj,
# Execute the Workload Characterization task to compute the list of
# pruned metrics for this workload and save them in a new PipelineData
# object.
LOG.debug("Pruning metrics for workload %d.", workload.id)
pruned_metrics = run_workload_characterization(metric_data=metric_data)
LOG.debug("pruned_metrics: %s", str(pruned_metrics))
pruned_metrics_entry = PipelineData(pipeline_run=pipeline_run_obj,
# Use the pruned metrics to filter the metric_data
pruned_metric_idxs = [i for i, metric_name in enumerate(metric_data['columnlabels'])
if metric_name in pruned_metrics]
pruned_metric_data = {
'data': metric_data['data'][:, pruned_metric_idxs],
'rowlabels': copy.deepcopy(metric_data['rowlabels']),
'columnlabels': [metric_data['columnlabels'][i] for i in pruned_metric_idxs]
# Execute the Knob Identification task to compute an ordered list of knobs
# ranked by their impact on the DBMS's performance. Save them in a new
# PipelineData object.
LOG.debug("Ranking knobs for workload %d.", workload.id)
ranked_knobs = run_knob_identification(knob_data=knob_data,
LOG.debug("ranked_knobs: %s", str(ranked_knobs))
ranked_knobs_entry = PipelineData(pipeline_run=pipeline_run_obj,
workload.status = WorkloadStatusType.PROCESSED
LOG.debug("Finished processing modified workloads")
non_modified_workloads = Workload.objects.filter(pk__in=non_modified_workloads)
# Update the latest pipeline data for the non modified workloads to have this pipeline run
# Set the end_timestamp to the current time to indicate that we are done running
# the background tasks
pipeline_run_obj.end_time = now()
LOG.debug("Finished background tasks")
def aggregate_data(wkld_results):
# Aggregates both the knob & metric data for the given workload.
# Parameters:
# wkld_results: result data belonging to this specific workload
# Returns: two dictionaries containing the knob & metric data as
# a tuple
# Now call the aggregate_data helper function to combine all knob &
# metric data into matrices and also create row/column labels
# (see the DataUtil class in website/utils.py)
# The aggregate_data helper function returns a dictionary of the form:
# - 'X_matrix': the knob data as a 2D numpy matrix (results x knobs)
# - 'y_matrix': the metric data as a 2D numpy matrix (results x metrics)
# - 'rowlabels': list of result ids that correspond to the rows in
# both X_matrix & y_matrix
# - 'X_columnlabels': a list of the knob names corresponding to the
# columns in the knob_data matrix
# - 'y_columnlabels': a list of the metric names corresponding to the
# columns in the metric_data matrix
aggregated_data = DataUtil.aggregate_data(wkld_results)
# Separate knob & workload data into two "standard" dictionaries of the
# same form
knob_data = {
'data': aggregated_data['X_matrix'],
'rowlabels': aggregated_data['rowlabels'],
'columnlabels': aggregated_data['X_columnlabels']
metric_data = {
'data': aggregated_data['y_matrix'],
'rowlabels': copy.deepcopy(aggregated_data['rowlabels']),
'columnlabels': aggregated_data['y_columnlabels']
# Return the knob & metric data
return knob_data, metric_data
def run_workload_characterization(metric_data):
# Performs workload characterization on the metric_data and returns
# a set of pruned metrics.
# Parameters:
# metric_data is a dictionary of the form:
# - 'data': 2D numpy matrix of metric data (results x metrics)
# - 'rowlabels': a list of identifiers for the rows in the matrix
# - 'columnlabels': a list of the metric names corresponding to
# the columns in the data matrix
matrix = metric_data['data']
columnlabels = metric_data['columnlabels']
# Remove any constant columns
nonconst_matrix = []
nonconst_columnlabels = []
for col, cl in zip(matrix.T, columnlabels):
if np.any(col != col[0]):
nonconst_matrix.append(col.reshape(-1, 1))
assert len(nonconst_matrix) > 0, "Need more data to train the model"
nonconst_matrix = np.hstack(nonconst_matrix)
n_rows, n_cols = nonconst_matrix.shape
# Bin each column (metric) in the matrix by its decile
binner = Bin(bin_start=1, axis=0)
binned_matrix = binner.fit_transform(nonconst_matrix)
# Shuffle the matrix rows
shuffle_indices = get_shuffle_indices(n_rows)
shuffled_matrix = binned_matrix[shuffle_indices, :]
# Fit factor analysis model
fa_model = FactorAnalysis()
# For now we use 5 latent variables
fa_model.fit(shuffled_matrix, nonconst_columnlabels, n_components=5)
# Components: metrics * factors
components = fa_model.components_.T.copy()
# Run Kmeans for # clusters k in range(1, num_nonduplicate_metrics - 1)
# K should be much smaller than n_cols in detK, For now max_cluster <= 20
kmeans_models = KMeansClusters()
kmeans_models.fit(components, min_cluster=1,
max_cluster=min(n_cols - 1, 20),
estimator_params={'n_init': 50})
# Compute optimal # clusters, k, using gap statistics
gapk = create_kselection_model("gap-statistic")
gapk.fit(components, kmeans_models.cluster_map_)
LOG.debug("Found optimal number of clusters: %d", gapk.optimal_num_clusters_)
# Get pruned metrics, cloest samples of each cluster center
pruned_metrics = kmeans_models.cluster_map_[gapk.optimal_num_clusters_].get_closest_samples()
# Return pruned metrics
return pruned_metrics
def run_knob_identification(knob_data, metric_data, dbms):
# Performs knob identification on the knob & metric data and returns
# a set of ranked knobs.
# Parameters:
# knob_data & metric_data are dictionaries of the form:
# - 'data': 2D numpy matrix of knob/metric data
# - 'rowlabels': a list of identifiers for the rows in the matrix
# - 'columnlabels': a list of the knob/metric names corresponding
# to the columns in the data matrix
# dbms is the foreign key pointing to target dbms in DBMSCatalog
# When running the lasso algorithm, the knob_data matrix is set of
# independent variables (X) and the metric_data is the set of
# dependent variables (y).
knob_matrix = knob_data['data']
knob_columnlabels = knob_data['columnlabels']
metric_matrix = metric_data['data']
metric_columnlabels = metric_data['columnlabels']
# remove constant columns from knob_matrix and metric_matrix
nonconst_knob_matrix = []
nonconst_knob_columnlabels = []
for col, cl in zip(knob_matrix.T, knob_columnlabels):
if np.any(col != col[0]):
nonconst_knob_matrix.append(col.reshape(-1, 1))
assert len(nonconst_knob_matrix) > 0, "Need more data to train the model"
nonconst_knob_matrix = np.hstack(nonconst_knob_matrix)
nonconst_metric_matrix = []
nonconst_metric_columnlabels = []
for col, cl in zip(metric_matrix.T, metric_columnlabels):
if np.any(col != col[0]):
nonconst_metric_matrix.append(col.reshape(-1, 1))
nonconst_metric_matrix = np.hstack(nonconst_metric_matrix)
# determine which knobs need encoding (enums with >2 possible values)
categorical_info = DataUtil.dummy_encoder_helper(nonconst_knob_columnlabels,
# encode categorical variable first (at least, before standardize)
dummy_encoder = DummyEncoder(categorical_info['n_values'],
encoded_knob_matrix = dummy_encoder.fit_transform(
encoded_knob_columnlabels = dummy_encoder.new_labels
# standardize values in each column to N(0, 1)
standardizer = StandardScaler()
standardized_knob_matrix = standardizer.fit_transform(encoded_knob_matrix)
standardized_metric_matrix = standardizer.fit_transform(nonconst_metric_matrix)
# shuffle rows (note: same shuffle applied to both knob and metric matrices)
shuffle_indices = get_shuffle_indices(standardized_knob_matrix.shape[0], seed=17)
shuffled_knob_matrix = standardized_knob_matrix[shuffle_indices, :]
shuffled_metric_matrix = standardized_metric_matrix[shuffle_indices, :]
# run lasso algorithm
lasso_model = LassoPath()
lasso_model.fit(shuffled_knob_matrix, shuffled_metric_matrix, encoded_knob_columnlabels)
# consolidate categorical feature columns, and reset to original names
encoded_knobs = lasso_model.get_ranked_features()
consolidated_knobs = consolidate_columnlabels(encoded_knobs)
return consolidated_knobs