640 lines
24 KiB
640 lines
24 KiB
# OtterTune - utils.py
# Copyright (c) 2017-18, Carnegie Mellon University Database Group
import datetime
import json
import logging
import math
import os
import string
import tarfile
import time
from collections import OrderedDict
from io import BytesIO
from random import choice
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import celery
import numpy as np
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.core.management import call_command
from django.db.models import Case, When
from django.utils.text import capfirst
from django_db_logger.models import StatusLog
from djcelery.models import TaskMeta
from .models import DBMSCatalog, MetricCatalog, KnobCatalog, Result, Session, SessionKnob
from .settings import common
from .types import LabelStyleType, VarType
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class JSONUtil(object):
def loads(config_str):
return json.loads(config_str,
def dumps(config, pprint=False, sort=False, encoder='custom'):
json_args = dict(indent=4 if pprint is True else None,
if encoder == 'custom':
if sort is True:
if isinstance(config, dict):
config = OrderedDict(sorted(config.items()))
config = sorted(config)
return json.dumps(config, **json_args)
def custom_converter(o):
if isinstance(o, datetime.datetime):
return str(o)
elif isinstance(o, np.ndarray):
return o.tolist()
class MediaUtil(object):
def upload_code_generator(size=20,
chars=string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits):
new_upload_code = ''.join(choice(chars) for _ in range(size))
return new_upload_code
class TaskUtil(object):
def get_task_ids_from_tuple(task_tuple):
task_res = celery.result.result_from_tuple(task_tuple)
task_ids = []
task = task_res
while task is not None:
task_ids.insert(0, task)
task = task.parent
return task_ids
def get_tasks(task_ids):
task_ids = task_ids or []
if isinstance(task_ids, str):
task_ids = task_ids.split(',')
preserved = Case(*[
When(task_id=task_id, then=pos) for pos, task_id in enumerate(task_ids)])
return TaskMeta.objects.filter(task_id__in=task_ids).order_by(preserved)
def get_task_status(tasks, num_tasks):
overall_status = 'UNAVAILABLE'
num_completed = 0
for task in tasks:
status = task.status
if status == "SUCCESS":
num_completed += 1
elif status in ('FAILURE', 'REVOKED', 'RETRY'):
overall_status = status
if status not in ('PENDING', 'RECEIVED', 'STARTED'):
LOG.warning("Task %s: invalid task status: '%s' (task_id=%s)",
task.id, status, task.task_id)
overall_status = status
if num_tasks > 0 and num_tasks == num_completed:
overall_status = 'SUCCESS'
return overall_status, num_completed
class DataUtil(object):
def get_knob_bounds(knob_labels, session):
minvals = []
maxvals = []
for _, knob in enumerate(knob_labels):
knob_object = KnobCatalog.objects.get(dbms=session.dbms, name=knob, tunable=True)
knob_session_object = SessionKnob.objects.filter(knob=knob_object, session=session,
if knob_object.vartype is VarType.ENUM:
enumvals = knob_object.enumvals.split(',')
minval = 0
maxval = len(enumvals) - 1
elif knob_object.vartype is VarType.BOOL:
minval = 0
maxval = 1
elif knob_session_object.exists():
minval = float(knob_session_object[0].minval)
maxval = float(knob_session_object[0].maxval)
minval = float(knob_object.minval)
maxval = float(knob_object.maxval)
return np.array(minvals), np.array(maxvals)
def aggregate_data(results, ignore=None):
if ignore is None:
ignore = ['range_test']
knob_labels = sorted(JSONUtil.loads(results[0].knob_data.data).keys())
metric_labels = sorted(JSONUtil.loads(results[0].metric_data.data).keys())
X_matrix = []
y_matrix = []
rowlabels = []
for result in results:
if any(symbol in result.metric_data.name for symbol in ignore):
param_data = JSONUtil.loads(result.knob_data.data)
if len(param_data) != len(knob_labels):
raise Exception(
("Incorrect number of knobs "
"(expected={}, actual={})").format(len(knob_labels),
metric_data = JSONUtil.loads(result.metric_data.data)
if len(metric_data) != len(metric_labels):
raise Exception(
("Incorrect number of metrics "
"(expected={}, actual={})").format(len(metric_labels),
X_matrix.append([param_data[l] for l in knob_labels])
y_matrix.append([metric_data[l] for l in metric_labels])
return {
'X_matrix': np.array(X_matrix, dtype=np.float64),
'y_matrix': np.array(y_matrix, dtype=np.float64),
'rowlabels': rowlabels,
'X_columnlabels': knob_labels,
'y_columnlabels': metric_labels,
def combine_duplicate_rows(X_matrix, y_matrix, rowlabels):
X_unique, idxs, invs, cts = np.unique(X_matrix,
num_unique = X_unique.shape[0]
if num_unique == X_matrix.shape[0]:
# No duplicate rows
# For consistency, tuple the rowlabels
rowlabels = np.array([tuple([x]) for x in rowlabels]) # pylint: disable=bad-builtin,deprecated-lambda
return X_matrix, y_matrix, rowlabels
# Combine duplicate rows
y_unique = np.empty((num_unique, y_matrix.shape[1]))
rowlabels_unique = np.empty(num_unique, dtype=tuple)
ix = np.arange(X_matrix.shape[0])
for i, count in enumerate(cts):
if count == 1:
y_unique[i, :] = y_matrix[idxs[i], :]
rowlabels_unique[i] = (rowlabels[idxs[i]],)
dup_idxs = ix[invs == i]
y_unique[i, :] = np.median(y_matrix[dup_idxs, :], axis=0)
rowlabels_unique[i] = tuple(rowlabels[dup_idxs])
return X_unique, y_unique, rowlabels_unique
def clean_metric_data(metric_matrix, metric_labels, useful_views):
# Make metric_labels identical to useful_labels (if not None)
if useful_views is None:
return metric_matrix, metric_labels
useful_labels = []
for label in metric_labels:
for view in useful_views:
if view in label:
missing_columns = sorted(set(useful_labels) - set(metric_labels))
unused_columns = set(metric_labels) - set(useful_labels)
LOG.debug("clean_metric_data: added %d metrics and removed %d metric.",
len(missing_columns), len(unused_columns))
default_val = 0
useful_labels_size = len(useful_labels)
matrix = np.ones((len(metric_matrix), useful_labels_size)) * default_val
metric_labels_dict = {n: i for i, n in enumerate(metric_labels)}
# column labels in matrix has the same order as ones in useful_labels
# missing values are filled with default_val
for i, metric_name in enumerate(useful_labels):
if metric_name in metric_labels_dict:
index = metric_labels_dict[metric_name]
matrix[:, i] = metric_matrix[:, index]
LOG.debug("clean_metric_data: final ~ matrix: %s, labels: %s", matrix.shape,
return matrix, useful_labels
def clean_knob_data(knob_matrix, knob_labels, sessions):
# Filter and amend knob_matrix and knob_labels according to the tunable knobs in the session
knob_matrix = np.array(knob_matrix)
session_knobs = []
knob_cat = []
for session in sessions:
knobs_for_this_session = SessionKnob.objects.get_knobs_for_session(session)
for knob in knobs_for_this_session:
if knob['name'] not in knob_cat:
knob_cat = [k['name'] for k in session_knobs]
if len(knob_cat) == 0 or knob_cat == knob_labels:
# Nothing to do!
return knob_matrix, knob_labels
LOG.info("session_knobs: %s, knob_labels: %s, missing: %s, extra: %s", len(knob_cat),
len(knob_labels), len(set(knob_cat) - set(knob_labels)),
len(set(knob_labels) - set(knob_cat)))
nrows = knob_matrix.shape[0] # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
new_labels = []
new_columns = []
for knob in session_knobs:
knob_name = knob['name']
if knob_name not in knob_labels:
# Add missing column initialized to knob's default value
default_val = knob['default']
if knob['vartype'] == VarType.ENUM:
default_val = knob['enumvals'].split(',').index(default_val)
elif knob['vartype'] == VarType.BOOL:
default_val = str(default_val).lower() in ("on", "true", "yes", "0")
default_val = float(default_val)
except ValueError:
LOG.warning("Error parsing knob '%s' default value: %s. Setting default to 0.",
knob_name, default_val, exc_info=True)
default_val = 0
new_col = np.ones((nrows, 1), dtype=float) * default_val
new_lab = knob_name
index = knob_labels.index(knob_name)
new_col = knob_matrix[:, index].reshape(-1, 1)
new_lab = knob_labels[index]
new_matrix = np.hstack(new_columns).reshape(nrows, -1)
LOG.debug("Cleaned matrix: %s, knobs (%s): %s", new_matrix.shape,
len(new_labels), new_labels)
assert new_labels == knob_cat, \
"Expected knobs: {}\nActual knobs: {}\n".format(
knob_cat, new_labels)
assert new_matrix.shape == (nrows, len(knob_cat)), \
"Expected shape: {}, Actual shape: {}".format(
(nrows, len(knob_cat)), new_matrix.shape)
return new_matrix, new_labels
def dummy_encoder_helper(featured_knobs, dbms):
n_values = []
cat_knob_indices = []
cat_knob_names = []
noncat_knob_names = []
binary_knob_indices = []
dbms_info = DBMSCatalog.objects.filter(pk=dbms.pk)
if len(dbms_info) == 0:
raise Exception("DBMSCatalog cannot find dbms {}".format(dbms.full_name()))
full_dbms_name = dbms_info[0]
for i, knob_name in enumerate(featured_knobs):
# knob can be uniquely identified by (dbms, knob_name)
knobs = KnobCatalog.objects.filter(name=knob_name,
if len(knobs) == 0:
raise Exception(
"KnobCatalog cannot find knob of name {} in {}".format(
knob_name, full_dbms_name))
knob = knobs[0]
# check if knob is ENUM
if knob.vartype == VarType.ENUM:
# enumvals is a comma delimited list
enumvals = knob.enumvals.split(",")
if len(enumvals) > 2:
# more than 2 values requires dummy encoding
# knob is binary
if knob.vartype == VarType.BOOL:
n_values = np.array(n_values)
cat_knob_indices = np.array(cat_knob_indices)
categorical_info = {'n_values': n_values,
'categorical_features': cat_knob_indices,
'cat_columnlabels': cat_knob_names,
'noncat_columnlabels': noncat_knob_names,
'binary_vars': binary_knob_indices}
return categorical_info
class ConversionUtil(object):
(1024 ** 5, 'PB'),
(1024 ** 4, 'TB'),
(1024 ** 3, 'GB'),
(1024 ** 2, 'MB'),
(1024 ** 1, 'kB'),
(1024 ** 0, 'B'),
(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, 'd'),
(1000 * 60 * 60, 'h'),
(1000 * 60, 'min'),
(1000, 's'),
(1, 'ms'),
def get_raw_size(value, system):
for factor, suffix in system:
if value.endswith(suffix):
if len(value) == len(suffix):
amount = 1
amount = int(value[:-len(suffix)])
except ValueError:
return amount * factor
return None
def get_human_readable(value, system):
from hurry.filesize import size
return size(value, system=system)
def get_human_readable2(value, system, min_suffix):
# Converts the value to larger units only if there is no loss of resolution.
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
# From https://github.com/le0pard/pgtune/blob/master/webpack/components/configurationView/index.jsx#L74
# pylint: enable=line-too-long
min_factor = None
unit = None
mod_system = []
for i, (factor, suffix) in enumerate(system):
if suffix == min_suffix:
if value < factor:
if i + 1 >= len(system):
LOG.warning("Error converting value '%s': min_suffix='%s' at index='%s' "
"is already the smallest suffix.", value, min_suffix, i)
return value
min_suffix = system[i + 1][1]
LOG.warning('The value is smaller than the min factor: %s < %s (1%s). '
'Setting min_suffix=%s...', value, factor, suffix, min_suffix)
min_factor = factor
unit = min_suffix
value = math.floor(float(value) / min_factor)
mod_system.append((factor, suffix))
if min_factor is None:
raise ValueError('Invalid min suffix for system: suffix={}, system={}'.format(
min_suffix, system))
for factor, suffix in mod_system:
adj_factor = factor / min_factor
if value % adj_factor == 0:
value = math.floor(float(value) / adj_factor)
unit = suffix
return '{}{}'.format(int(value), unit)
class LabelUtil(object):
def style_labels(label_map, style=LabelStyleType.DEFAULT_STYLE):
style_labels = {}
for name, verbose_name in list(label_map.items()):
if style == LabelStyleType.TITLE:
label = verbose_name.title()
elif style == LabelStyleType.CAPFIRST:
label = capfirst(verbose_name)
elif style == LabelStyleType.LOWER:
label = verbose_name.lower()
raise Exception('Invalid style: {}'.format(style))
if style != LabelStyleType.LOWER and 'dbms' in label.lower():
label = label.replace('dbms', 'DBMS')
label = label.replace('Dbms', 'DBMS')
style_labels[name] = str(label)
return style_labels
def dump_debug_info(session, pretty_print=False):
files = {}
# Session
session_values = Session.objects.filter(pk=session.pk).values()[0]
session_values['dbms'] = session.dbms.full_name
session_values['hardware'] = session.hardware.name
# Session knobs
knob_instances = SessionKnob.objects.filter(
session=session, tunable=True).select_related('knob')
knob_values = list(knob_instances.values())
for knob, knob_dict in zip(knob_instances, knob_values):
assert knob.pk == knob_dict['id']
knob_dict['knob'] = knob.name
session_values['knobs'] = knob_values
# Save binary field types to separate files
binary_fields = [
for bf in binary_fields:
if session_values[bf]:
filename = os.path.join('binaries', '{}.pickle'.format(bf))
content = session_values[bf]
session_values[bf] = filename
files[filename] = content
files['session.json'] = session_values
# Results from session
result_instances = Result.objects.filter(session=session).select_related(
'knob_data', 'metric_data').order_by('creation_time')
results = []
for result, result_dict in zip(result_instances, result_instances.values()):
assert result.pk == result_dict['id']
result_dict = OrderedDict(result_dict)
next_config = result.next_configuration or '{}'
result_dict['next_configuration'] = JSONUtil.loads(next_config)
tasks = {}
task_ids = result.task_ids
task_ids = task_ids.split(',') if task_ids else []
for task_id in task_ids:
task = TaskMeta.objects.filter(task_id=task_id).values()
task = task[0] if task else None
tasks[task_id] = task
result_dict['tasks'] = tasks
knob_data = result.knob_data.data or '{}'
metric_data = result.metric_data.data or '{}'
result_dict['knob_data'] = JSONUtil.loads(knob_data)
result_dict['metric_data'] = JSONUtil.loads(metric_data)
files['results.json'] = results
# Log messages written to the database using django-db-logger
logs = StatusLog.objects.filter(create_datetime__gte=session.creation_time)
logger_names = logs.order_by().values_list('logger_name', flat=True).distinct()
# Write log files at app scope (e.g., django, website, celery)
logger_names = set([l.split('.', 1)[0] for l in logger_names])
for logger_name in logger_names:
log_values = list(logs.filter(logger_name__startswith=logger_name).order_by(
for lv in log_values:
lv['level'] = logging.getLevelName(lv['level'])
files['logs/{}.log'.format(logger_name)] = log_values
timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
root = 'debug_{}'.format(timestamp)
mtime = time.time()
tarstream = BytesIO()
with tarfile.open(mode='w:gz', fileobj=tarstream) as tar:
for filename, content in files.items(): # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable
if isinstance(content, (dict, list)):
content = JSONUtil.dumps(content, pprint=pretty_print)
if isinstance(content, str):
content = content.encode('utf-8')
assert isinstance(content, bytes), (filename, type(content))
bio = BytesIO(content)
path = os.path.join(root, filename)
tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo(name=path)
tarinfo.size = len(bio.getvalue())
tarinfo.mtime = mtime
tar.addfile(tarinfo, bio)
return tarstream, root
def create_user(username, password, email=None, superuser=False):
user = User.objects.filter(username=username).first()
if user:
created = False
if superuser:
email = email or '{}@noemail.com'.format(username)
_create_user = User.objects.create_superuser
_create_user = User.objects.create_user
user = _create_user(username=username, password=password, email=email)
created = True
return user, created
def delete_user(username):
user = User.objects.filter(username=username).first()
if user:
delete_info = user.delete()
deleted = True
delete_info = None
deleted = False
return delete_info, deleted
def model_to_dict2(m, exclude=None):
exclude = exclude or []
d = {}
for f in m._meta.fields: # pylint: disable=protected-access
fname = f.name
if fname not in exclude:
d[fname] = getattr(m, fname, None)
return d
def check_and_run_celery():
celery_status = os.popen('python3 manage.py celery inspect ping').read()
if 'pong' in celery_status:
return 'celery is running'
rabbitmq_url = common.BROKER_URL.split('@')[-1]
hostname = rabbitmq_url.split(':')[0]
port = rabbitmq_url.split(':')[1].split('/')[0]
rabbitmq_status = os.popen('telnet {} {}'.format(hostname, port)).read()
retries = 0
while retries < 5:
LOG.warning('Celery is not running.')
retries += 1
os.popen('python3 manage.py startcelery &')
time.sleep(30 * retries)
celery_status = os.popen('python3 manage.py celery inspect ping').read()
if 'pong' in celery_status:
LOG.info('Successfully start celery.')
return 'celery stopped but is restarted successfully'
LOG.warning('Cannot restart celery.')
return 'celery stopped and cannot be restarted'
def git_hash():
sha = ''
if os.path.exists('/app/.git_commit'):
with open('/app/.git_commit', 'r') as f:
lines = f.read().strip().split('\n')
for line in lines:
if line.startswith('base='):
sha = line.strip().split('=', 1)[1]
p = Popen("git log -1 --format=format:%H", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
sha = p.communicate()[0].decode('utf-8')
except OSError as e:
LOG.warning("Failed to get git commit hash.\n\n%s\n\n", e, exc_info=True)
return sha